Di Mobile Android Forum

02 March 2009

NetBook, The Philosophy behind the Conception of One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Project.

Posted by DI MOBILE | 02 March 2009 | Category: |

Do you really need what you think you need ?
Do you think you need it only because you want it ?
Read on to find out ...

Ever pass by a coffee bar and notice all those people with huge, oversized notebooks occupying all the space on the table ? Why bother lugging such a brick of a machine just so you have something to do when you drink a cup of overpriced coffee ?
Why don't you carry a NetBook ?
It may seem a trivial distinction since they are both computers. On the surface, NetBooks are smaller and less powerfull than notebooks. But the real difference is that the NetBook does pretty much when you go to lepak in a coffee bar, and not much more.

Why don't you try to think that this is a philosophy that works well across the board - know exactly what you need and take exactly what you want. Everything else is nice but not necessary. This was a philosophy behind the conception of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Project (This was initiated by the OLPC Assosiation, a US non-profit organisation). The objective was to create a computer so cheap and so reliable that every child could have access to the world of information technology.

In order to build this revolutionary machine, the association went to Taiwan and talked to the world's largest laptop manufacturer. The result is then comes out this NetBook.

The truth is, it works very well. Not the fastest or the most powerful, not even the easiest to use, but every feature seems to be well thought out. Every component seems to be there for a reason - probably because the makers knew what they wanted and left out what they didn't need. Many more manufacturers are in the game and they expect to sell 20 million underpowered PCs in 2009. NetBooks have increased in popularity, they are yet to be fully accepted by the Malaysian public.

People want the best and most powerful hardware to run the latest version of Windows. But what they really need is just some thing to store and transmit basic information. This is the difference between perception and praticality.

As the last result, NetBook - a very portable machine (less than 1kg in weight) that you can use very comfortably when seated in a mamak store writing articles, or to surf the net at a moment's notice, can plug most peripherals USB and storage media and still many things can do, to find out more of the specification, click here

Source : Starmag 1 March 2009

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