Posted by DI MOBILE | 06 August 2008 | Category:

Nowadays, RM3388 is a big money just to buy a handphone right ? How many of you can afford to buy such a most expensive of the original Nokia N96 ? For those who doesn't need 3G, GPS and other fancy function and just want the out look of a smart phone, then this new hot best buy gadget was your choice with just only RM439 this new hot best buy gadget really look so awesome.Double sliding up and down, same size dimension with the original phone.
As the upgrade version of N96 China before ,this new coming replica of N96 is stronger than before, 2.8inch QVGA screen, the hottest part is the dual slide, dual bluetooth and dual cameras , two good sound quality speaker,built-in multi languages and many more,cannot wait any longer to grab, to learn more
click here
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